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AYSO Area 1D

Assessment and Upgrade

The AYSO Area 1D referee staff is committed to supporting the development of our referees so that all players in AYSO Area 1D are provided with well-trained and experienced officials.

AYSO Area 1D Advanced Referee Assessment and Certification Policy and Procedures

In order to maintain consistency at the highest levels of officiating within Area 1D, the policies and procedures below define requirements for all Area 1D upgrades to the Advanced Referee level.

Area 1D Advanced Referee Assessment and Certification Policy and Procedure — Updated August 2024

Questions on the Observation for your Intermediate Referee upgrade? Seeking an Assessment for Advanced or National Referee upgrade? Contact Michael Hinz, Area 1D Director of Referee Assessment.


Preparing for Observations (required for Intermediate Referee Upgrade)

The Observation for Intermediate Referee upgrade is intended to be a positive experience for upgrade candidates. The Observation of a Referee under game conditions are intended to be part of an informal and relaxed activity designed to assist in the development and improvement of the official’s skills. Upon completion of the game and after receiving a debriefing, the candidate for upgrade has fulfilled the Observation requirement for Intermediate Referee. The Observation is a requirement for upgrade. It may also be conducted independent of the upgrade process as a development tool.

To satisfy the field certification requirements (Observation) at the Intermediate level while refereeing a typical regular season AYSO 12U game, candidates must complete the game and be debriefed by the AYSO Assessor, National Assessor, or Mentor/Advisor assigned by your Regional Referee Administrator (RRA) or Regional Director of Referee Assessment (RDRA).

Preparation is key to a positive Observation experience. The materials listed below contain guidance related to the Observation of Intermediate Referee candidates. Whether they are new or familiar to you, be sure to review them before your Observation, as they will help you understand what is required to get the most out of your Observation.

  • The National Referee Program Manual contains the standards for the Intermediate Referee Observation starting on page 36. It also contains guidance to the Assessor or Mentor/Advisor for an Intermediate Observation starting on page 47.
  • The Referee Observation Worksheet may be used by your Assessor/Mentor to identify skill areas for potential improvement.

Part of preparation is asking questions. Contact the Assessor/Mentor in advance of your match should you have any questions.

Preparing for Assessments (required for Advanced and National Referee Upgrade)

Assessments for upgrade to an Advanced or National Referee are intended to be a positive and learning experience for upgrade candidates. The Assessments are to provide the Referee candidate with positive feed back on areas of strength and areas that could be improved.

Preparation is key to a positive Assessment experience. The materials listed below contain the standards and checklists used in the Assessment of Advanced and National Referee candidates. You may have seen them before, but it can't hurt to look them over again before your Assessment as they'll help you understand what is required to get the most out of your Assessment.

  • National Referee Program Manual contains the standards for assessing an Advanced Referee and National Referee starting on pages 38 and 41, respectively. In addition, the standards for assessing a National Assistant Referee start on page 44.
  • The Referee Assessment Checklist will be used by your Assessor to identify skill areas for potential improvement. The Assistant Referee Assessment Checklist is used for the Assistant Referee Assessment
  • "Preparing for Assessments" is a summary of the Assessment process and identifies preparations you can make to ensure that your Assessment is a positive and learning experience.
  • Notes from the Ken Aston Camp National Referee Course, "Preparation for National Assessment", contain some useful guidance in the form of real-world advice and also some things that many National Assessors consider "deal-breakers."

Part of preparation is asking questions. Contact the Assessor in advance of your match if you have any questions. He/she is rooting for you to succeed.

Advanced Referee Assessments must be conducted by Referee Assessors or National Referee Assessors who are outside of your Region but may be within your Area (in our case, Area 1D). National Referee Assessments must be conducted by National Referee Assessors who are outside of your Region or Area. Your Area Director of Referee Assessment will assist you in finding the appropriate Assessor and Assessment opportunity.

Referee Physical Fitness Test

One requirement of the Advanced and National Referee upgrade is successful completion of a physical fitness test. This document contains the criteria for this test, which may be conducted as part of your classroom curriculum or as a separate event before or after your Assessments.

AYSO Help for Assessors

AYSO maintains an online library of information, lesson plans, exams and forms for Referee Assessors and National Referee Assessors.

AYSO Section 1 National Referee Assessment and Certification Policy and Procedures

In order to maintain consistency at the highest levels of officiating within Section 1, the policies and procedures found on the Section 1 website will be utilized for all upgrades to the National Referee level and for all National Referee Assessor upgrades.

All information related to National Referee Assessments in Section 1 may be found at Referee Assessment & Upgrade on the Section 1 website.

AYSO/USSF Cross-Certification

Cross-Certification from AYSO to USSF is available to AYSO Intermediate, Advanced or National referees who have been certified as referees for six months or more and who are not currently certified with USSF. All games officiated for AYSO or USSF may be applied toward the certification requirements of either AYSO or USSF.

Details on the Forms for Referees page.

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